Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"That Girl"

Let's face it... we've all been "that girl" or "that guy."

And, let's face it... the only reason I read "Don't Be That Girl" by Dr. Travis Stork is because...well...he's super hot.

I figured it would be entertaining to read a "Bachelor"s perspective on women and dating... and after all he IS a doctor.

In a nutshell, here is the "wiley girl" recap of the super hot doctor's book: Don't be "that girl" because guys are super smart and never ignore red flags in their pursuit of the absolutely perfect woman. But if you are "that girl" don't be too hard on yourself because you probably have some good qualities... you'll just never find a boyfriend. OK, he does deliver this information with a little more tact than my recap... and I agree there are a lot of immature woman out there who probably could use a kick in the ass by a super hot doctor.

When I read the "Desperate Girl" chapter I realized that the title of my blog alone would have the super hot doctor labeling me desperate. But, I know that super hot, super SMART Dr. Travis has a sense of humor. Surely he understands it's about the journey not the destination and surely he is able to find the entertainment in the quest for love. After all... super hot doctor took a leave of absence from his career as an ER doctor to go to a foreign country (really?...France?) to find the love of his life amongst a group of Hollywood handpicked "very normal" lovely young women. Oh yeah, and it was on TV. I think the super hot doctor and I actually have a lot in common (ignoring my sight-of-blood issues) and neither of us are desperate.

There is a difference between being crazy in general and acting like a lunatic when the wrong guy gets under your skin and in to your heart like a wicked fish hook. Like I said, we've all been there... but hopefully we learn from our behaviors, laugh at our mistakes and recognize that nobody is perfect. I believe that there are partners out there for all of us... lovers & friends that bring balance to our lives and bring out the best in us. I actually HAVE to believe this theory because there is no other way for me to wrap my head around how all those crazy bitches out there can be in stable relationships... oh shit, now super hot doctor might think I'm "Bitter Girl."

Turns out Dr. Travis's Rx no matter what your crazy girl disease is- be it Agenda Girl, Yes Girl, Drama Queen Girl, Bitter Girl, Insecure Girl, Desperate Girl, Working Girl, or Lost Girl - is to work out. Could it be true? Could being in shape be the cure-all for every irrational thought, every annoying emotional outburst? Or maybe... the super hot doctor knows that a girl with a hot body, no matter how crazy she is, gets a pass...

Time for me to hit the gym... oh crap... now super hot Dr. Travis is going to think I'm "Insecure Girl"...

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