Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sitting at my parents house on Valentine's Day... alone. I figured if I didn't have a date I would spend it with the people that I loved the most. Well, it turns out that my parents have an all day double date planned and my brother, who happens to live about 3 miles from here, and his family are all sick. So there goes my happy plan of spending the day with the love of my life aka my niece. Hmmm... time to turn on the Olympics. I do love the Olympics.
So, while watching an interview with Apolo he shared that tough question he asks himself every night "Did I do everything today to be my best?" or something exhausting like that.
Typically I would roll my eyes at this kind of speech but for some reason hearing it from this cute little nugget actually inspired me. At least inspired me to turn off the TV. Just like Apolo I'm in pursuit of a piece of precious metal (for my left ring finger). I'm pretty sure I won't find it watching DVR'd Olympics in my parents family room. I'm packing up my clean laundry and heading back home to enjoy this gorgeous day. Maybe I'll even take myself out tonight.

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