Sunday, February 28, 2010

Do Blondes Have More Fun?

I recently made a dramatic change to my hair. After conducting an extensive scientific poll on facebook I decided to go dark brown with bangs. One male co-worker told me it was not a haircut it was a disguise. And he was right. Hardly anybody recognized me at first. This was actually a lot of fun (except for freaking out my two year old niece).

One day I was walking down the paseo at work and I saw my friend J. coming towards me. He is a single, good-looking guy and would actually be a datable if he didn't own and use more hair care product than I do. Anyway, as he got closer I flashed him a giant smile which was reciprocated with a "how-you-doin'" style hello. It hit me that he had no idea who I was. Once he realized it was "just" me the mystery was gone and his whole demeanor changed. DB.

The winning result of the poll by the way, was blonde. I had posted a few pictures from Halloween '09 when I wore a blonde wig which seemed to swing the votes that direction. It made me wonder if all the maintenance of going blonde is worth it. One of my friend's husbands told me if I go blonde I'll be married in 6 months. Really?

Overall I have had a lot more attention from men since I changed my hair. It's more about how a new look makes you feel about yourself. My dark hair made me feel sexy and mysterious and that must show at least a little bit. Still... if I haven't met anybody by June, I can always go blonde and if John's right I'll still be married by December.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sitting at my parents house on Valentine's Day... alone. I figured if I didn't have a date I would spend it with the people that I loved the most. Well, it turns out that my parents have an all day double date planned and my brother, who happens to live about 3 miles from here, and his family are all sick. So there goes my happy plan of spending the day with the love of my life aka my niece. Hmmm... time to turn on the Olympics. I do love the Olympics.
So, while watching an interview with Apolo he shared that tough question he asks himself every night "Did I do everything today to be my best?" or something exhausting like that.
Typically I would roll my eyes at this kind of speech but for some reason hearing it from this cute little nugget actually inspired me. At least inspired me to turn off the TV. Just like Apolo I'm in pursuit of a piece of precious metal (for my left ring finger). I'm pretty sure I won't find it watching DVR'd Olympics in my parents family room. I'm packing up my clean laundry and heading back home to enjoy this gorgeous day. Maybe I'll even take myself out tonight.

Friday, February 12, 2010

No Game at the Big Game

Super Bowl weekend in Las Vegas... there cannot be a better place to meet men, right?! I walked in to the most amazing Super Bowl party I had ever been to with my hopes high. It was unbelievable. TV screens covered every square inch of the enormous ballroom so that it was impossible to be anywhere in the room without seeing the game, pool tables, foosball tables, open bar, any kind of food you could imagine, massage chairs and men... lots and lots of men.

Here is the problem... I arrived to the party with married couples. Married girlfriends can be great "wing-women" but not when their husbands are around. And it doesn't matter how confident you are, you can't work a room solo when you're in Vegas because you can easily be mistaken for a hooker. I was able to engage a couple guys in conversation at the food stations. I was successful in learning how to make the perfect meatball sandwich and discovering the most amazing shot glass sized vanilla shakes, but not in finding a date.

I had a great weekend... I love my friends and their husbands... but I left Vegas with the realization that I need a new wingman not a chicken wing, no matter how tasty it is.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


On New Years Eve I decided that 2010 was my year. I announced to my friends that not only would I find a boyfriend this year, but that I would also become engaged and married by December... 2010. All agreed this was a fabulous plan.

On February 1st I woke up and realized that January was gone... I hadn't even been asked out let alone on one date. Less than 11 months before the end of the year! That day I had an epiphany... I decided that I really needed to put it out there that I was ready for love. Now, I need to set the record straight right off the bat and say that I'm really resistant to the concept of looking for a husband the way you would look for a new job or the perfect outfit. I have always believed that true love will happen for me in a much more organic way and I believe that you find it when you least expect it. That being said... doing my own thing with the hopes that Mr. Right will ask me how to pick the perfect papaya at the market one day hasn't worked for me yet.

So off to a late start, but lucky for me I'm good under pressure. I am resolved to embark on adventures with an open heart. And lucky for you I'll share my experiences in dating, life and love over the remaining 46 weeks of 2010. I am taking suggestions on how to meet men and I'm looking forward to your creative ideas. Thanks to all for your inspiration.