Saturday, January 15, 2011

Living the single fairytale

The World's Shortest Fairytale
Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy, "Will you marry me?"
The guy said "No" and the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, drank martinis with friends, always had a clean house, never had to cook, had a closet full of shoes and handbags, stayed skinny, and was never farted on.
The End

After feeling the weight of the expiration date of my previous blog title, I found new inspiration in the above anonymously penned tale. It was a chain e-mail that I received years ago, printed, cut out, and tacked to my bulletin board at work. Recently a picture of my nephew fell off my board exposing a corner of this tale... it had been covered up by of all things, pictures of other people's babies that have begun to take over my board which up until about 4 years ago only had pictures of fun single girl adventures with my friends. I'm not sure if I heard a choir of angels sing or the sound of an Apple computer turning on as I saved the tale buried under children ... but it was definitely an aha moment.

Trust me... I still want the knight-in-shining-armor-white-horse-Officer and a Gentleman moment - I still want to be in love and get married. BUT... and this is a very big BUT... the point here is to enjoy my single fairytale. I have always joked that I have shoes not kids, but it's not just a joke... it's also awesome!

Somehow over the last several years as I celebrated friend after yet another friend's trip down matrimony and motherhood lanes, I think I lost the "use the fine china everyday" attitude and took on a waiting for my turn mentality.

Months ago I decided to stop using my vacation time and holidays to visit my friends and their families (I actually spent a week in Hawaii this February... in a hotel...without any kids that don't belong to me!) so I had already taken a baby step on that path... AND a few weeks ago I started cracking open those "Reserve" bottles I had been saving for some "special" reason.

As I poured bottle after bottle of costly libations down the drain, (uhm, yeah turns out it's also stupid to save wine for a special occasion if you have less than idyllic storage conditions...) I pondered if and when I would ever stop learning my life lessons via the frying-pan-on-the-back-of -the-head method.

I took my lumps, bottle after once-upon-a-time wonderful bottle and vowed to LIVE LIVE LIVE.

And do a little more shopping...