When you're single the most annoying question people ask you is of course, "why are you single?" The second most annoying question is, "what is your type?" I can honestly say that I don't really have a clear cut type other than the guy has to be sexy. And I'm not sure exactly if that can even be classified as a type because this can come in all shapes, colors and sizes, so-to-speak and means something different to everyone. Sure... I have my preferences... and I have a few friends who think they know what my type is, although I have yet to have any of them track down the allusive wileygirl type and set me up... which could (lightbulb) be a good topic for another post...
I have recently discovered something even more annoying than being asked one of these two questions. I have been "dating" someone for the past 4ish months... (time out- let me first define "dating" as nothing serious, but definitely consistent)... anyway, almost every time I'm with this guy he feels the need to mention what type of girl he likes to date or typically falls in love with. You guessed it... he never describes anybody remotely like me and sometimes he describes the exact opposite of what he told me he liked the week before. Confusing, but mostly very annoying. I'm not exactly sure if he really doesn't know what he is looking for, is surprised that he is attracted to me because I'm not his usual type, or if he is trying to make sure I know that he doesn't want anything serious between us. But what has to be the most annoying thing about all of this is for some reason I'm completely intrigued and feel the need to solve this mystery.
Currently this is an on going riddle that I have yet to crack.
I have, however, made some discoveries about myself, my dating history... and maybe even my type. Mr. "Not-my-type" has made me think about the fact that, at least when it comes to the guys I have dated over the past decade, I am really not any of their types. I have realized that I am not messed up enough for them to save or prude enough to fulfill their madonna fantasy of a pure wife/mom. We all know there is an exception to every guy's rules which is hotness, and I'm not hot enough to over ride either of these "types".
For the most part it seems I am a serial saver dater. "They" say women are always trying to fix men...but let me tell you, there are an awful lot of "sexy" men out there who are on the market for a fixer-upper. I'm not sure exactly what it is about these men... insecurity, control, displaced liberalism... who knows, but I have come in second place to many a hot mess.
I suppose you can add "saver" to my "type" list, but not only is that about as vague and broad as sexy, it's also ridiculous. I'm not going to suddenly develop a case of the crazies so bad that one of these men is going to swoop into my life and rescue me in to the sunset.
So, I've thought about it and I'm adding a few more adjectives to my definite type list: sexy is still a must, hangability, genuine, secure, and most importantly looking for a wileygirl.